My husband has left me (well for the night anyway) He has gone with Chad and his study and a few others up the mountain to a lake to do some fishing and male bonding. I didn´t think I would be alone in a South American Country within the first month of being here.
All is good though - I feel quite safe. I can lock myself in the house tonight and watch a movie or two on the computer.
I am very tired at the moment as this morning at 8am I left the house to meet the group (I walked with the Willis family) - it was about a half hour walk (mostly up hill) then I was with a sister who was supposed to have 2 studies this morning - we walked (for miles again) to them but they were not home so then we got on a bus and went up the hill to another call of hers. No en casa there so we decided (or she decided) to walk down the hill - street witnessing as we went. It was interesting but tiring.
This afternoon I braved going on the bus by myself to the supermarket - half hour by bus away and I was so hungry by then that I stopped and had a whole pizza and coke for $3.75 - I really splurged on myself.
While in the supermarket line the famuly ahead of me started chatting to me - very interested in why we are here - he gave me his card just incase I ever need his services - he is a surgeon. He did say that he hopes I don´t need him but wanted me to have a contact just in case. Nice eh? Of course with my record or falling over and blowing houses up - it´s good to know.
Will let you know how Crocodile Mark gets on.
Hi Lonely in Cuenca I hope you have had an uneventful night without Mark and enjoyed havingthe computor to yourself. are you loosing any weight with all the walking? Lotsaluv Catherine
Hi Catherine - haven{t got any scales here so am just hoping I have scaled down a bit. Problem is when you walk so far you get home ready to eat a horse.(not quite hungry enough to eat the pig on the corner though)xxx
is Crocodile Mark back home yet? how many movies did you watch and what about the horses - is there one less roaming the hillside?
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