Saturday, May 3, 2008

The rain in Spain falls mainly in Ecuador

I hear you have had some bad weather in NZ - bet you didn't go witnessing in it though!
This morning we were out in the hills somewhere and it poured! Remember there are not that many paved roads here so it was mud mud mud. I will post some pictures tomorrow to prove it that there are no fine weather christians here! We did eventually give up when we were all drenched. Everyone was still happy though so no worries.
Had our first native dinner guests last night - I got scared and decided to ask Chad and Michelle to join us at the last minute so that we could still talk. It would have been fine but it was lovely having them with us anyway.


Lynne said...

Different country but sounds oh so familiar!

The Kinlocher's said...

you two are truely pioneering now huh. I know we got it easy - at some houses mum doesn't even get out the car - we just roll down her window and her return visits come to her!Have a happy mud free morning.

The Scottys said...

Well Mark looks as though wherever you go the homeless follow you.
Tauranga early Satuday morning homeless guys have followed you to equador. DO YOUr THING MARK.
Maddy would love it there with all the dogs.
Guess we got nothing to worry about here in our ministry when it comes to dogs.
Will write soon, keep up the great work.