Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Gold Star for us maybe?

Just home from the meeting and have to tell you about our good deed for the day. On the walk home we came across a family struggling to carry lots of stuff. The little girl was expected to carry a heavy backpack and it almost tipped her over when she picked it up. Of course we offered to carry it for her and thankfully it was not far to go cause they were heading for the casa above the internet cafe that I used to go to back in the days of no internet at home. Well the lady that always served me, came out and when she saw me she gushed "Senora Elizabeth - Where have you been and why haven't you been visiting me" (she knows I have internet at home so it wasn't that she was missing my business). I gave her a hug and told her I would come and see her very soon. She seemed very happy to see me again and I hope we gave her a good witness helping her family.

1 comment:

The Scottys said...

Good afternoon Amigos!
AWESOME your site page is Supremo with colour, clocks, the spainsh word of the day!
You both were already gold stars before you moved away!
We love comparing our time zones helps me understand what you did the day before,
Hope you had a great a day in whatever you were doing look forward to reading more.