We had a nice surprise when our friends Trevor and Lucy turned up early at the airport - (not a great photo of any of us but I am sure you realize it was very early in the morning and we had not had much sleep) it was nice to pass the time waiting for Amanda catching up.
Some of Amanda's and Tania's friends arrived with this hard case sign to welcome them home. It drew a bit of attention when one of the balloons popped - everyone needed to wake up anyway!
Cuddles all round when a very tired and overwhelmed daughter finally came through the doors!

roast lamb dinner! (she is very happy to have all her family home in one
place for a little while)
Ohhh the photos of You and Manda hugging brought tears to my eyes!!! Great to have you guys back for how ever long it is...
What lovely homecoming - loved the photos of the airport greetings. When will we see you again? Oh thats right tomorrow night! Excellent
Hi Beth,
It's Cheri & Greg here (we wrote on your blog a while back). We were wondering if you could give us the name of the B&B in Guayaquil (phone, email if you have it). We are coming to Ecuador and landing in Guayaquil and want to visit Bethel before heading to Cuenca.
Muchas gracias,
Aaawwww, it's so nice to see you and Mark hugging your daughter! I'm so happy for you to get to be with your family again for a little while before you come back :)
It's also great to get to see some of your family and friends from NZ.
We will be keeping a close eye on your blog.
hi folks, do you have a contact no. while you're here in NZ?
hello,, hermanos James se ven ustedes muy contentos encontrandose con toda su familia en Nueva Zelanda, yo estoy muy contento que puedan ustedes estar felices alla,, esperamos verlos pronto, Y saludos a Aaron que yo lo vi al fondo de la foto,, saludos a todos,, mi hija Elizabeth,, jeje,, Why me not?,, que Jehová los cuide mucho,, bye
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