This weeks shopping trip was just hilarious - we tagged a ride with the Aussies in their pickup truck to Manta along with the other car-less gringo couple and their son. Of course everyone of us was stocking up so there were shopping bags for miles and the sort out at the end was huge.In fact I still have a loaf of bread here that isn't mine! We left at 9.30 am and by the time everyone had done their errands we didn't make it back until 4.30pm. Exhausting stuff! But I shouldn't have to do any grocery shopping for a couple of weeks at least!
Sadly though we do have to go back up to Manta today - we are still hotly pursuing raising the value of the land we brought (I know, I know - when will this saga ever end) - and we now have a piece of paper that is apparently the last bit of the puzzle that we need. It has to be signed though by the vendor and his lawyer - so we are heading up there again, this time by the bus of course. It is becoming more and more evident that a car is essential here on the coast - lets hope we find some gold at the end of a rainbow to fulfill that need.
It's getting quite a bit warmer now that we are well into December - in fact it is 8am at the moment and I have had to put the air conditioner on - we have been warned that January, February, March are the hottest of the year so I hope I don't melt in that time.
I am feeling quite homesick for Cuenca at the moment so Mark says I can go visit with the kids this weekend which I am super excited about. Haven't seen Michele since June so that is going to be a cool reunion and of course spending time with Amanda and Aaron gets me over homesickness for NZ. Roll on Saturday!
It's getting quite a bit warmer now that we are well into December - in fact it is 8am at the moment and I have had to put the air conditioner on - we have been warned that January, February, March are the hottest of the year so I hope I don't melt in that time.
I am feeling quite homesick for Cuenca at the moment so Mark says I can go visit with the kids this weekend which I am super excited about. Haven't seen Michele since June so that is going to be a cool reunion and of course spending time with Amanda and Aaron gets me over homesickness for NZ. Roll on Saturday!
1 comment:
Hi there!
I found your blog while doing research on living in Ecuador and Panama. My husband and I are witnesses living in California, USA. We're trying to gather information on living in a place where necessities would cost a lot (and I mean A LOT) less and where the ministry is productive. We have a 2 year old son to take into consideration. I'm fine with homeschooling him. WE don't mind incoveniences and such are willing to adjust if we can find a way for my husband not to have to work so hard anymore- his job is physically demanding here and we are trying to find a solution that will fill multiple needs/desires. I think the only thing is that we'd like to find something fairly temperate in a mountain region- we'd really like to have farm animals, etc. for some of our food- I came across the name Cotacachi as a mountainous area but don't know much yet. Could I get your input on actual cost of living in a more rural area like this, as long as it's within a reasonable distance from the KH? I'd love to be able to correspond- my email is
Thanks so much! My family blog is - thanks!!
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