Ugh what a day! Well actually it was a beautiful day to start with and I had an appointment with my English study at 10.30 so was quite happy walking up the hill in the sun. Well I don't know what happened but she weren't there so I decided to trudge up a little higher to the shop where she works. Nup! not there either so I made my way home again a little disappointed. Never mind - I have my other spanish one this afternoon and the sun is shining - life is still good. Well 3pm came and off I went with Barbara to see Nelly. Oops - shoulda taken my umbrella because by the time we got to her place it was teeming with rain! And she weren't there either!!! However we went back past her place of work and her husband said their baby was sick so she had taken her to the coast for a few days and would be back tomorrow. Got to always give them the benefit of the doubt eh!
I am now wet and cold and about to jump in the shower. For all my walking not much success but these things happen. Mark is going to shout me dinner at the mall tonight - yay at least I don't have to cook!
I am now wet and cold and about to jump in the shower. For all my walking not much success but these things happen. Mark is going to shout me dinner at the mall tonight - yay at least I don't have to cook!
Oh that is a disappointment for you and to get cold and wet into the bargain! Hey like the new layout you have put on.
Message for Alice
¿Tan qué usted entonces que hace hoy?
Hello to Karen - I know you will be smiling right now! Watch out the boss is coming! At least there is no sound!
Sounded like our morning out in f/s on Saturday,
Went out country hardly got anyone home not much too say.
However we didn't have to walk up a hill and got caught in the rain,
But we did enjoy the company of our bros & sisters it kept us sane!
Our ministry can have its high's and low's,you are applying roms 12:11 slave for jehovah, as in you the spirit will aglow!
Keep up the great and rewarding work our dear friends,
We appreciate your faith, strengthning, encouraging bloggs you send!!
Message for ANN:
¿Es esto una pregunta de la artimaña? o un confusious español uno?
¡Alicia I no tiene ninguna idea qué usted está diciendo - pero piense que usted es la persona que es confusa!
Tee hee, in english
You first wrote me "You so what then that does today?
I replied:Is this a trick question or a spanish confucious one?
Nows me understand the translation barrier!!
Así que contento podemos tener estas conversaciones mi amigo
Hi Alice (and Karen)I too enjoy these conversations we have Alice..... he he he
By the way hello Beth and Mark
LOL! Romans 12:19 special one for you Ann
I promise not to avenge myself Alice oh beloved, and I will give way to the wrath;for it is written: “Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says Jehovah
Not sure why this scirpture is for me though!:)
Tee hee just ignore the scripture I wrote to you, when you said"we have alice" were you meaning it in a funny vengeanful way to gloat?
So I wrote that scripture to you as a harmless quote!
Ann we all know that you are not a Peacebreaker, I have the full confidence in coming to you cause you are a PEACEMAKER!(choice aye!)
Hello Marcos & Beth once again, happy we can use your site to make amends!
xxx ( choice aye! so unhip)
Hey you two - should I set you up with a blog site of your own?
It is a great way of communicating as you know - oh that's right so is the telephone!
LOL - have a good day won't you
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