Saturday, March 6, 2010

We're on Vacation!

Yep - we've said goodbye to the cockroaches and noisy black crickets and come to a very exclusive Bed and Breakfast to spend a week in style! This resort boasts a Big screen TV with cable and a pantry well stocked.We even get the use of not one but two cars - how cool is that!
Actually it is my sister that has really gone on vacation and we are House and Mum sitting but we get all the above perks so we are really pretty spoiled.

Still enjoying our witnessing here (for the most part anyway - we miss Cuenca terribly). I had the first study with one of my calls the other day which worked out well. Just to fill you in, Mark had placed the BT book with a young girl about 4 weeks ago and I went back to her but she wasn't home. Her Mum was though and even though I expected a short shift from her when I told her what we were there for, she responded really well too. The next week Mark and I both went back and the Mum and the daughter were there, so we had a good talk with them both. The next week after that, Amanda and I were invited inside and in the course of the conversation (this was with the Mum) she said she didn't have a bible. I took one back on the following RV and it was the daughter I got this time. Well after another good talk with Laura, I explained that her mother had agreed to a bible study and she was welcome to sit in as all her questions would be answered in time. Anyway the day of the study arrived but when I got there no one was home. Oh great - here we go I thought. However I had Mums mobile number so I was able to text her and the next minute she rings back to say she is stuck at work but would I like to come there (both of them work at a cafe). Ok - off we went and had a very nice study with the Mum and a free coffee to boot. Bernadette was so rapt to have her own bible and told me she had been proudly showing it off to all and sundry. I will keep you posted on their progress but I really hope I have to hand them over to someone else soon and we get to wing our way back to where our hearts are.


Just Me said...

Beth, what a wonderful experience. Keep up the good work, and keep up the prayers. Miss you and wish you were here, but we'll both be back one day.

Chad and Michele said...


Marisa said...

Ah yes, I've stayed at the exclusive Kinloch B'n'B before. Lovely place. ;)