Wednesday, July 21, 2010

First day in Service

Today we finally got out in service. Amanda has been rocking it with her Chinese Group but we have had lots of things to take care of so we have not been able to go out before now. What a great morning we had too - I got through my presentation twice - I was using the 3 reasons we have problems in the world (otherwise known in NZ as the Jack presentation) and have an appointment on Saturday morning to return and help the lady understand why God has not put an end to the suffering yet. Then Mark and I went and found Flora and Lucia who we have studied with in the past. We had handed them on but with one thing and another both had not studied for awhile. Flora - I am not sure about her, she said she would continue but I just got the feeling something was going on with her however Lucia was very happy to make a time and date for next week. So happy days - we are definitely back - my feet sure are telling me we are too - I measured how far we walked this morning and it was 3.3 k's - not really very much but enough to make my feet hurt!

1 comment:

Tom & Elaine Plank said...

very nice experience. appreciate your blog, looking forward to having some of our own in future.
Tom & elaine