Thursday, October 16, 2008

Rain Rain Go Away!

The girls - jumping for joy at the thought of seeing their family and friends soon!

Well today was a bad day starting off with us having to let Bernice and Maria go. They leave the country tomorrow but had to go to Guayaquil today so they can catch their respective planes in the morning. We really enjoyed having them stay and a few tears were shed!
It was raining hard but I had my english study to go to, so Mark came with me - it took us nearly an hour in the bus to get there and when we finally did, Frances was having a few problems so couldn't study. Oh well home we came and that was good cause we could dry out.
At 3pm we braved the weather again to go to the group - and I went with Lisa up to her studies in Banos. We were soaked when we got to the first one but got through that - then decided to get ourselves home before we were washed away - it was teeming! A hot shower was on the agenda when I finally made it back to mi casa! I have been suffering badly with a very sore back so the cold rainy weather just did not help!
You get days like that here - when everything just doesn't go your way. Thankfully though there are days like yesterday when we had such success. Becky and I went to see Susie and she had visitors. They sat in the study too - 2 of them sitting with us the whole time, answering and reading the scriptures. Becky keeps saying to me how sorry she is for doing most of the talking but she doesn't realize how great it is for me to just listen and learn from her. She has a lovely Texan drawl and I can understand her spanish very well. Susie has decided to keep her baby (some of you I have told about her telling us last week that she is 1 month pregnant and her boyfriend wanted her to abort it) - the boyfriend is now gone so the poor girl is alone - but probably much better off.


Lynne said...

Poor girl (Susie) - I am glad she has made the right decision - the boyfriend would have scarpered anyway! But talk about you reap what you sow. Poor you too - hope your back is better now. xxx

Marisa said...

Sounds like it's raining pretty much everywhere in the world at the moment! Hope you're feeling better now. :)