Sunday, November 16, 2008

Didn't we have a lovely day - the day we went to Deleg

On days like today - we really appreciate our decision to come to Ecuador. Our congregation was invited to assist a neighboring congo that had not finished their territory with the tracts and when we saw the territory, we understood why! There is only about 25 publishers too so they needed help bad.
Poor old Doug had a mammoth mission when 95 or so people turned up and it took awhile to sort them out into cars but he did the job well cause we all got there (it is about 45 minutes away). The people in the villages must have wondered what on earth had struck them! Doug split us gringos up as much as he could cause he said it would look like a gringo invasion otherwise - good move Doug but why did you have to give us the hilly part???
Anyway - it was a great day although there was a fiesta happening nearby so not too many people were home except for one guy who said we were witches!(I really should stop taking my broom with me eh?). We enjoyed ourselves immensely - and by the time we got home again - tired but once again, very happy!


The Crazy's said...

Hi Lyndon here. this is my first ever blog comment. It is lovely to hear your stories! I got home late from work and am sitting at the tea table eating dinner watching/reading the blog with MR Blog - Max. He can tell me all about the adventures you are having.
Sounds like it has already happened so may Jah continue to bless your adventure.

Elizabeth in Ecuador (de nuevo) said...

Thanks for the encouragement Lyndon!

The Kinlocher's said...

Very nice to see that entry - yes very encouraging indeed. You are going to miss it when you are back here - even if it is only for a short time!

catherine said...

Sorry I have been missing the blog lately but I am managing to get a catch up. Interesting you mentioned small people in your film. On TV last night there was a news item about a tribe of people in Ecuador that live up in the mountains who are called dwarfs but a certain kind and it has been established none of them die of cancer. As a result of their dwarfisim it is impossible for them to get cancer. Thought you might like to hear that snippet of information

Elizabeth in Ecuador (de nuevo) said...

That is interesting Catherine - maybe I will meet some of these dwarfs one day - of course I will be like a giant to them and they will probably just stand and stare at me in awe!

Marisa said...

I love the music you used in this movie!

Elizabeth in Ecuador (de nuevo) said...

marisa - I will bring the cd home with me for you!