Sunday, February 22, 2009

Mark gets to do some manly man stuff again.

Thought our friends in America (and South America) might enjoy seeing how a sheep is shawn. The poor things were left a little long and so they must have been sweltering in the 30 degree heat. They will be happy to have their winter coats off now.
Mark's Dad in his time was a very good shearer and tells me he could do 250 odd in a day - I think though they are happy they only have a few to look after now-a-days.


Chad and Michele said...

I'm glad we FINALLY saw how manly Mark is (otherwise he seems like such a sissy!) NOT!!!.. haha
We miss you guys!

catherine said...

Well we are loving having you home, but soon you will be away again doing what you want to do and that is ok because we know you are happy.